Primarily for internal use.
The shape boundary contact point, i.e. a CpNode without its edges.
If true, this CpNode belongs to a hole-closing maximal disk.
The previous (going clockwise around the boundary) contact point (CpNode).
The next (going ant-clockwise around the boundary) contact (CpNode).
The previous CpNode (going clockwise around the inscribed circle defined by the maximal disk).
The next CpNode (going anti-clockwise around the inscribed circle defined by the maximal disk).
The shape boundary contact point, i.e. a CpNode without its edges.
If true, this CpNode belongs to a hole-closing maximal disk.
The next (going ant-clockwise around the boundary) contact (CpNode).
The next CpNode (going anti-clockwise around the inscribed circle defined by the maximal disk).
The previous (going clockwise around the boundary) contact point (CpNode).
The previous CpNode (going clockwise around the inscribed circle defined by the maximal disk).
Returns the children of this CpNode when seen as a MAT edge. Only children in a 'forward' direction are returned. These include all edges except the 'backward' edge given by prevOnCircle.
Similar to children but returns the child nodes of the tree when CpNode is seen as a MAT vertex point (as opposed to edge). In this way the dual graph of the tree can easily be traversed - see e.g. traverseVertices. Generally, however, traversing the edges is preferred as it returns the entire Medial Axis (by utilizing matCurveToNextVertex on each returned edge).
Returns the number of contact points on the maximal disk circle implied by this CpNode.
Note, however, that even one-prongs and sharp corners will return 2 (see isTerminating for more details); if this is not desired use getRealProngCount instead which will return 1 in these cases.
Returns the number of contact points (up to planar coordinates) on the maximal disk circle implied by this CpNode.
See also getProngCount.
Returns true if this CpNode's maximal disk has only one contact point on the shape boundary (up to planar coordinates). These includes sharp corners.
Note, however, that two CpNodes are stored for each such point to preserve symmetry - see isTerminating for more details.
Returns true if this CpNode represents a sharp corner, i.e. the limiting case of a two-prong having zero radius.
Note that two CpNodes are stored for each sharp corner, one being terminating and one not. See isTerminating for more details.
Returns true if this CpNode is terminating, i.e. implies a leaf MAT vertex.
This is always the case for sharp corners and maximal disks with a single contact point. Note, however, that even in these cases there are two contact points stored (sitting 'on top' of each other) for the maximal disk. It can be seen as a limiting case of a two-prong where the distance between two of the contact points tend to zero. One point (represented by a CpNode of course) will be terminating with the other point being its next, whereas the other point will not be terminating and 'points' back into the shape.
Primarily for internal use.
Insert a CpNode into the MAT tree graph after the specified point and returns the freshly inserted CpNode.
True if this is a hole closing contact point.
True if this is a contact point at a shape boundary intersection point.
The tree graph holding the [[CpNodes]] of the MAT.
ContactPoint defining the CpNode.
Generated using TypeDoc
The primary class of the library.
Since the MAT is a full representation of the shape boundary an instance of this class contains both the information of a boundary point and a medial axis point (and edge to the next point(s)). It also contains edges to other CpNodes which allows for traversal of the MAT and thus implictly represents the entire MAT.
To get the maximal disk circle (of which the center is on the medial axis) use
To get the boundary point, use cp.pointOnShape.
The edge, next (resp. prev) allows one to move anti-clockwise (resp. clockwise) on the shape boundary to the next CpNode. This also imposes a direction of traversal of the MAT edges and vertices.
The edge nextOnCircle (resp. prevOnCircle) allows one to go anti-clockwise (resp. clockwise) around the maximal disks implied by the CpNode to the next maximal disk contact point. This is equivalent to following other branches on the MAT.
Each CpNode has a property, matCurveToNextVertex, which is a bezier curve from the maximal disk of this CpNode to the next CpNode's maximal disk and thus directly represents a piece of the medial axis.
The getter, children, returns the children of this CpNode when seen as a MAT edge. Only children in a 'forward' direction are returned. These include all edges except the 'backward' edge given by prevOnCircle. For CpNodes having a maximal disk with 2 contact points (a 2-prong, the usual case) the children will be the single edge next. For a 3-prong this will be the edgese next and nextOnCircle, etc. children allows one to easily traverse the MAT tree - see e.g. the implementation of traverseEdges.
vertexChildren is similar to children but returns the child nodes of the tree when CpNode is seen as a MAT vertex point (as opposed to edge). In this way the dual graph of the tree can easily be traversed - see e.g. traverseVertices. Generally, however, traversing the edges is preferred as it returns the entire Medial Axis (by utilizing matCurveToNextVertex on each returned edge).
It may be worth mentioning that by traversing from the CpNode by following next repeatedly until one is back at the same CpNode allows one to 'go around' the shape and at the same time traverse the MAT twice in different directions.